I am sixteen and I know not who I am. If you are a teenager and you are confident in your social, personal, and romantic aspects, I congratulate you. Not many people can say that. We are humans and we are meant to make mistakes, let our feelings change, and be afraid of disappointing people when we do.
A girl can never know what they want until they have a sample. Immediately, options can become labeled as "never" and "not worth it". But some take a long time to figure out.
These options (AHEM, boys) can change as quickly as the chooser's feelings.
Option 1: New blood. Safe and beckoning. Different from anything ever before. Prospects are uncertain, scary, and very fulfilling.
Option 2: A whirlwind of doubt and destruction with a sprinkle of ultimate understanding. Quite dangerous and best to keep at a comfortable and friendly distance. And that's absolutely fine.
Option 3: Talk about an alternate reality flashback. It's a little bit too soon to tell if it will amount to anything, but it's sweet. Not to be considered greatly it's just enough to entertain the idea.
So this is the question I pose. Is someone testing the waters a tease? Are they making the wrong choices? Are they a bitch for "leading someone on"?
I mean, shit, how do we know what is behind each door without opening them? What is right and wrong doesn't matter at these points in time, because all is fair in love and war. If you want to flirt a little bit, goof around, act sweet on your friend, I will not judge you if you're only confused and curious. If you want to find the right person and not just stumble into the wrong one, that's okay.
Just promise never to ignore the fact you might hurt another person. And I'll promise, too.
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